The Benefits of Jikiden Reiki
In a Jikiden Reiki session, healing effects are facilitated by allowing energy from all around us, known as ki or chi, to flow through the practitioner and then to the receiver via their hands (treatments can be hands on or hands off depending on the sensitivity of the condition). Look at what happens when you bang your leg on a table – you rub it! touch helps to alleviate the pain quickly.
Individuals report different experiences. Some say that the practitioner’s hands become hot, others report cooling hands and some people feel waves of energies or report seeing
Using responses from your body, Jikiden Reiki practitioners look for areas that need treating – nothing beats working on a problem area directly. Because Reiki is subtle and certainly not a miracle cure! the amount of time, and the number of treatments needed to help an ailment can vary, depending on what caused it and how long it has been there.
So what is really happening? If you are ill, then the body has, in one way or another, gone out of balance. – We are an amazing life form with many systems working together to allow us to live and do what we want and need to. It does it by using a combination of physical, chemical and energetic components. Unfortunately, we live in a time where many external factors influence our bodies and minds, the two main ones are…
Toxins –
You may initially think of cigarettes or junk food, maybe alcohol. But there are also the chemicals that are added to our cleaning products, toothpaste & deodorants, not to mention the tablets we take for colds and flu. The body has to deal with ridding itself of harmful substances. But with so many influences, and if we don’t exercise correctly, then these can build up in certain areas and restrict the natural fluid and energy flows of the body. It is these toxins that we aid the body in getting rid of. For more major issues, then Reiki assists the body with its own natural healing, to speed up the process, working from inside to out.
Stress –
“We all need a little stress in our lives” Jonathan’s doctor told him – maybe, but stress is a big factor in our lives and can have a very negative effect – In 2014/15 stress accounted for 35% of all work-related ill health cases and 43% of all working days lost due to ill health (HSE statistics 2014/15). Calming the mind contributes to a healthy body. Reiki gives us a methodology to practice for ourselves, to calm and relieve symptoms of stress and physical pain alike. Reiki, as it was originally taught (Jikiden Reiki), has a separate mental emotional treatment, this is only practiced by Jikiden Reiki students, and is an effective way to get to the cause of issues by treating the source.
While Reiki is yet to be measured by scientific techniques, it can be felt by everyone who has learned Jikiden Reiki. The process starts by aiding relaxation, thereby getting the body into a state where it boosts its own natural healing processes.
Treatments can help people cope with all ailments,
Conditions that Reiki has been used to help treat include:
digestive issues e.g. Crohn’s disease
cuts, burns
depression / low energy
chronic pain
broken bones
autoimmune disorders
chronic fatigue syndromes
Research into Reiki
The University of Huddersfield research project 2015 claims that the complementary therapy named Reiki can improve the quality of life for cancer patients by lowering their levels of anxiety, depression
According to Cancer Research
Where is Reiki being used in the UK?
A study by the UK Reiki Council (Who’s aim is to be the lead advisory council for professional Reiki practitioners), found it’s member groups used Reiki in the following areas…
- NHS Hospitals including Maternity Units, Cancer Wards/Clinics/Centres/Support Groups
- GP & Dental Practices
- Bristol Cancer Help Centre
- Hospices
- Carers Associations
- NHS Occupational Health Departments
- Physiotherapy Units
- NHS Medical Centres
- NHS Mental Health Units/Psychotherapy Clinics
- Brain Injury Rehabilitation Centres
- Veterinary Settings
- Animal Care Centres such as rescues and sanctuaries
- Charity Premises
- HIV/AIDS Organisations
- Holistic Health & Healing Centres
- Prisons (& young offender’s institutions)
- Sheltered Accommodation Centres
- Health, Leisure & Fitness Centre
- Health & Beauty Spas/Farms
- Hair & Beauty Salons
- Convents
- Mind-Body-Spirit Events
- Spiritual Retreats
- Community Centres/Village Halls
- Education – Schools & Adult & Further Education Colleges
- Residential Care & Nursing Homes
- Local Council Health & Harmony Events
- Social Services Day Care Centres
Medical disclaimer
All content and media included in this site is created for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied upon as health advice.
Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have before commencing a treatment plan or taking the course.